Monday 5 January 2015

MAC Kinky Boots Collection

So! This is my second try at blogging today... My cat deleted my last attempt with just one paw. I lost all my pictures, words, everything. So, im going to start again! 

Kinky Boots is based on a true story of a man whose shoe making business is going under, so he ends up making kinky boots that are made just for men. Apparently this MAC collection is based on the Broadway play, which I've never seen (but I did watch the film when it came out around 10yrs ago, and I really enjoyed it). 
Kinky Lipstick:
Kinky Lipglass:
The last picture is the lipglass applied over the lipstick. 

The lipstick is a blue based red matte, smoother/easier to apply than other, older formula mattes I own, and it's not quite as drying as them either. The lipglass is a sheer red with tiny flecks of gold glitter. It looks beautiful on its own or on top of the lipstick (it gives it an attractive, darker, glittery finish). 

My thoughts: MAC already has some very famous blue-based red lipsticks (Ruby Woo and Russian Red being amongst the favourites), so this lipstick doesn't really stand out but it definitely holds it own with pigmentation and staying power. The lipglass, however, is more of a favourite with me. The base colour has just enough pigment to make my colourless lips look rosy (when applied on its own) and the glitter makes my lips sparkle. Another plus is that when the gloss wears away, the glitter remains on the lips, which I personally like a lot. 

Have you got the Kinky Boots Collection? 
Any collections you absolutely love that I need to know about? Please let me know! 


  1. Very cool line! I had never heard of this play until this line came out. Sounds very interesting to say the least! The lipstick looks like a beautiful color on you though girl! :)

    1. Thanks beautiful! I'm a huge fan of blue based reds, and the gloss is great. Thanks for your lovely comment doll xxx
