Monday 1 December 2014

Love and Beauty Don't Always Go Hand in Hand

If you have read my blogs or know me at all, you'll know that I love makeup. Love. I breathe-eat-sleep-dream makeup. I love how it makes me feel, I love to make my skin look more flawless, I love playing with eyeshadow colours, the whole shebang. BUT! This is not about me, this is about people's opinions on whether or not you like wearing it or like to see it on other people. 
Y'see, sometimes, people say things that I find upsetting. For example, not so long ago, a guy told me that he wished his new girlfriend would wear makeup like me because makeup made her "more attractive". I was thoroughly shocked, as I sat, trying not to let my mouth open in horror. Why couldn't he just love her the way she is, naturally? Why is he already on a quest to change her? Why did he think - just because I wear makeup every day - that I'd agree with him? I tried to (unsuccessfully) tell him tactfully that he shouldn't tell her that - ever - and he quickly changed the subject. But y'see, now I know how he thinks about his new girlfriend; he thinks she's not attractive enough. He's used to prettier models of women, I'm sure, but sometimes the right fit comes along, and you have to overlook your ideals, surely? 
My husband knew me well before my addiction to makeup began. He knows my bare face, spots, scars, freckles, fat and all. He loves me with and without makeup. Yes, I understand how lucky I am, I truly am blessed, but sometimes it makes me wonder why can't some people just accept who their partner is and stop trying to change them? 
I think that people that don't wear makeup look more naturally radiant and more alive. Their skin looks more real, their perfections and imperfections shine and I love that about bare faced women and men. 
But I also love makeup, I love the almost flawlessness of skin that has foundation and concealer and powder, the perfect arched brows, the sculpted cheeks and gorgeously long, mascara'd lashes. 

Here's the thing. I love people for who they are. I won't try to change someone, just because I'm not keen on their appearance. I wouldn't ever tell my husband to shave or wear different clothing. All I care about, whether you wear makeup or not, what clothes you wear or car you drive or where you live is that you are who you are (and of course that you're happy and healthy). And if you're my friend, I'll love you for being a friend to me. I accept that not everyone will see my point of view, and that is fine; I'm not going to try to change your mind if you think I'm wrong. 
Please, just remember that love - unlike beauty - is not skin deep and can last a lifetime. 
Top pic: me with a bare face (sorry that it's black and white, I couldn't find any other bare face selfies on my phone). 
Bottom pic: me with a face full of makeup.


  1. I completely agree! It's sad when people don't truly love people just for who they are and not just for their looks. Luckily, like you I have a husband who loves me with my awful bare skin, fat chubby face and all! (Thank God) I can't even imagine being with a man who was just so focused on changing my appearance. So sad,..... Great post too by the way! :()

    1. We are both very lucky women - I'm so glad my hubby would never try to change me. I just can't get over what he said, it was quite shocking! Thanks for your comment my love, big hugs xxx
