Sunday, 13 April 2014

Love Alpha Mascara Fibre Mascara Review

Oh my goodness, I haven't blogged in forever! I've kind of lost my YouTube mojo at the moment; I've lost my inspiration to film videos.
BUT! I have a mascara that'll lengthen your lashes more than you could imagine and for less than £5! Still reading? I hope so... 
This is the case. I don't much care for leopard print but I'm sure there are plenty out there that would appreciate it more than myself. It is pretty sturdy and hard wearing though, that much I can say. 
Inside we have two wands. The longer one at the back is a 'transplanting gel', basically a black mascara, and the shorter wand contains the fibre wand. 
Above: a close up of the transplanting gel/mascara wand.
Above: a close up of the fibre wand.

Ok, so the skinny of this is to use the mascara wand first, then brush on the fibres, then go back over with the mascara to lengthen your lashes. You can, if you want, add another coat of fibres and then add another coat of mascara for extra long lashes. 

Ok! Now that's out of the way!  

Above: bare, uncurled lashes.
Above: one coat of transplant gel.
Above: coat of fibres over the lashes.
Above: second coat of transplanting gel to lengthen the lashes. 
Above: on the left, eyelashes with two coats of mascara. On the right, Love Alpha mascara/fibre duo. 

My thoughts? Well, for around £4 this is a steal. You can buy them from eBay or (the latter is cheaper but it'll take longer to arrive). There are other mascaras out there that do the exact same thing but cost £35, so this is worth the money. However, the transplanting gel goes thick and gloopy quite fast with repeated use, which makes it less effective for the fibres to hold on to. That being said, you can buy 4 or 5 for around £20, so I reckon you still get your money's worth. 

I personally have been through around 8 of these Love Alpha duo mascara's so far, and I will continue to buy them because they work wonders for me.  


  1. This mascara looks amazing!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I just followed your blog! And I'm sending u some MOJO because I want u to film more videos!!!!! Pretty please!!!! ;)
    The Saltlife Wife ;))))

    1. Aww thank you sweetie, you're the best! And thank you hun, I'll try to do a video this weekend xxx :) <3
